Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow and Comfort Food

Last night it started to snow.  We probably got about three inches overnight.  When the snowfall slowed, I went out and shoveled a path to our car and cleared off the car too.  I had a lot of fun...who knew shoveling some light snow would be so much fun? 

This afternoon, Alec and I had to go out for a little bit - Alec wasn't feeling well and went to the doctor (he has strep throat) and we got his prescriptions, milk, and frosted cookies at Hy-Vee...you know those frosted sugar cookies that they only sell periodically and are really really yummy.  Even though they were decorated to support the Packers in the Super Bowl, they still tasted phenomenal! :)

I love how little things in life like shoveling snow and frosted sugar cookies from Hy-Vee could make me so happy! :)

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