Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Opportunities and The Miracle of Life

Since Alec and I bought a new car at Christmas, I now have the opportunity to have a job this semester.  I'm a little nervous about keeping ahead with my classes and having a job, but I'm pretty sure I can handle it.  I interviewed with a family about 10 days ago - they needed someone to watch their daughters after school and get them to activities during the week.  I found out earlier this week that they found someone who was able to commit to working for them this summer (which I wasn't ready to commit to since I want to work at The Falls again this summer).  I was a little bummed that I didn't get the job...I really liked the family and I really liked the girls too.  Alec and I kept an eye out for more families who need a part-time babysitter/nanny and we found one on Tuesday.  I met with the family on Tuesday night and I got an e-mail yesterday which said they wanted me to start next Wednesday.  This opportunity is actually better than the first, because it is before school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and after school on Mondays and Wednesdays - which still gives me a lot of time to study and work on homework.  I guess God really does work in mysterious ways.  From this, I learned that God is really watching out for me and He really does want the best for me.  As Alec and I were walking on class on Tuesday morning (before we saw the ad for the job I just got) we were joking and saying that the only job I've ever had and I've ever been really good at was working at a pool and even though I wanted a change from that, it looked like I was going to be stuck doing that for a while. ;)

Yesterday, I had my first lab for Developmental Biology of Animals.  During the lab, we looked at whitefish blastula cells, which show a lot of cells in the various stages of mitosis, because the blastula is dividing so rapidly.  It was pretty amazing to look at those cells and think about the miracle of life.  How life begins as just two small cells combining together and as those cells begin to divide and differentiate, a life is created.  AWESOME!

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